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- 33,702 篇 白血病
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- 14,136 篇 多发性骨髓瘤
- 9,667 篇 治疗
- 9,568 篇 血栓形成
- 8,292 篇 expression
- 7,891 篇 缺铁性贫血
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- 7,568 篇 再生障碍性贫血
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- 951 篇 garcia-manero gu...
- 863 篇 kantarjian hagop...
- 738 篇 ravandi farhad
- 636 篇 cortes jorge e.
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- 425 篇 kantarjian hagop
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- 256 篇 cortes jorge
- 254 篇 konopleva marina
- 227 篇 verstovsek srdan
- 210 篇 wierda william g...
- 202 篇 maciejewski jaro...
- 199 篇 byrd john c.
- Transfusion independence after lenalidomide discontinuation in patients with del(5q) myelodysplastic neoplasm: a HARMONY Alliance study
- FPO IRCCS Candiolo Canc Inst Candiolo ItalyFdn Sindromi Mielodisplast FISiM ETS Bologna ItalyOsped Circolo & Fdn Macchi Dipartimento Ematol ASST Sette Laghi Varese ItalyOsp San Francesco Nuoro UOC Ematol CTMO Nuoro ItalySOC Ematol Azienda USL IRCSS Reggio Emilia Reggio Emilia ItalyIRCCS Ctr Riferimento Oncol CRO Aviano Pordenone Aviano ItalyUniv Hosp Parma Hematol Unit Parma ItalyUniv Hosp Parma BMT Ctr Parma ItalyIRCCS Azienda Osped Univ Bologna Inst Hematol Seragnoli Bologna ItalyUniv Sassari Dept Clin & Expt Med Sassari ItalyHosp Citta Salute & Sci Hematol Turin ItalyIRCCS CROB Referral Canc Ctr Basilicata Rionero In Vulture ItalyUniv Politecn Marche AOU Marche Hematol Ancona ItalyUniv Florence MDS Unit Hematol DMSCAOU Careggi Florence ItalyHosp Univ & Politecn La Fe Inst Invest Sanitaria La Fe Valencia SpainHeinrich Heine Univ Dusseldorf Univ Klin Dusseldorf Dept Hematol Oncol & Clin Immunol Dusseldorf GermanyHop Necker Enfants Malad AP HP Hematol Clin Paris FranceUniv Hosp Salamanca Inst Biomed Res Salamanca IBSAL Hematol Salamanca SpainISCIII CIBERONC Madrid SpainUniv Helsinki Hematol Res Unit Helsinki Helsinki FinlandHelsinki Univ Hosp Comprehens Canc Ctr Helsinki FinlandKarolinska Univ Hosp Dept Hematol M64 Stockholm SwedenH Lee Moffitt Canc Ctr & Res Inst Malignant Hematol Dept Tampa FL USAUniv Hosp Leipzig Dept Hematol Cellular Therapy Hemostaseol & Infect Leipzig GermanyUniv Med Ctr Gottingen Clin Hematol & Med Oncol Gottingen GermanyHeidelberg Univ Univ Hosp Mannheim Dept Hematol & Oncol Heidelberg GermanyHosp Son Llatzer Hematol Dept Mallorca SpainHosp Cent Asturias Hematol Dept Oviedo SpainHosp Clin Univ Salamanca Hematol Dept Salamanca SpainUniv Hosp Citta Salute & Sci Hematol Turin ItalyHelsinki Univ Cent Hosp Dept Med Helsinki FinlandHosp Gemans Trias & Pujol Hematol Dept Badalona SpainOsped Belcolle Unita Operat Complessa UOC Ematol Viterbo ItalySapienza Univ
- 来源 PubMed期刊 ScienceCitationIndex... Nature 期刊 详细信息
- Optimizing Metrological Efficiency: Comparative Analysis of Filtering Methods for 2D DIC
- Off Natl Etud & Rech Aerosp DMAS F-59014 Lille France
- 来源 EI期刊 SpringerLink期刊 ScienceCitationIndex... 详细信息
- A systematic construction approach for all 4x4 involutory MDS matrices
- DRDO Sci Anal Grp Metcalfe House Complex Delhi 110054 IndiaIndian Stat Inst RC Bose Ctr Cryptol & Secur Kolkata 700108 IndiaUniv Delhi Dept Math Delhi 110007 India
- 来源 ScienceCitationIndex... EI期刊 SpringerLink期刊 详细信息
- Pain in Canadian Long-Term Care Homes: A Call for Action
- Perley Hlth Ctr Excellence Frailty Informed Care Ottawa ON CanadaUniv Ottawa Fac Hlth Sci Interdisciplinary Sch Hlth Sci Ottawa ON CanadaRes Inst Aging Waterloo ON CanadaBaycrest Hlth Sci Toronto ON CanadaUniv Toronto Temerty Fac Med Dept Family & Community Med Toronto ON CanadaUniv Waterloo Fac Hlth Sch Publ Hlth Sci Waterloo ON Canada
- 来源 PubMed期刊 ScienceCitationIndex... Elsevier ScienceDire... 详细信息
- Targeted therapies for myelodysplastic syndromes/neoplasms (MDS): current landscape and future directions
- Yale Sch Med Dept Internal Med Sect Hematol 333 Cedar St New Haven CT 06510 USAYale New Haven Hosp 333 Cedar St New Haven CT 06510 USADana Farber Canc Inst Dept Med Oncol Boston MA USA
- 来源 ScienceCitationIndex... T&F期刊 PubMed期刊 详细信息
- Influence of fissure distribution characteristics on the dynamic response of fissured Rock: Quantity and spacing
- Kunming Univ Sci & Technol Fac Land Resources Engn Kunming 650093 Peoples R ChinaYunnan Key Lab Sino German Blue Min & Utilizat Spe Kunming 650093 Peoples R ChinaAdv Blasting Technol Engn Res Ctr Yunnan Prov Educ Dept Kunming 650093 Peoples R China
- 来源 Elsevier ScienceDire... EI期刊 ScienceCitationIndex... 详细信息
- Evaluation of U-Notch and V-Notch Geometries on the Mechanical Behavior of PVDF: The DIC Technique and FEA Approach
- Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering COPPE/UFRJ Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro 21941-596 BrazilDepartment of Civil Engineering COPPE/UFRJ Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro 21941-596 Brazil
- 来源 EI期刊 PubMed期刊 MultidisciplinaryDig... 详细信息
- Midostaurin added to 10-day decitabine, for patients unfit for intensive chemotherapy with AML and higher risk MDS, irrespective of FLT3 mutational status, does not improve outcome
- Univ Med Ctr Groningen Dept Hematol POB 30-001 NL-9700 RB Groningen NetherlandsMeander Hosp Amersfoort Dept Hematol Amersfoort NetherlandsHemato Oncol Fdn Adults Netherlands Dept Hematol Rotterdam NetherlandsErasmus MC Erasmus MC Canc Ctr Dept Hematol Rotterdam NetherlandsMaxima Med Ctr Dept Hematol Veldhoven NetherlandsAmphia Hosp Dept Hematol Breda NetherlandsZNA Stuivenberg Middelheim Dept Hematol Antwerp BelgiumJeroen Bosch Hosp Dept Hematol Den Bosch NetherlandsCanisius Wilhelmina Hosp Dept Dietet Nijmegen NetherlandsAlbert Schweitzer Hosp Dept Hematol Dordrecht NetherlandsCatharine Hosp Dept Hematol Eindhoven NetherlandsMed Ctr Leeuwarden Dept Hematol Leeuwarden NetherlandsRijnstate Hosp Dept Hematol Arnhem NetherlandsAZ Delta Roeselare Dept Hematol Roeselare BelgiumHop Jolimont Dept Hematol Haine St Paul BelgiumIsala Hosp Dept Hematol Zwolle NetherlandsUniv Med Ctr Utrecht Dept Hematol Utrecht NetherlandsReinier Graaf Hosp Dept Hematol Delft NetherlandsVrije Univ Amsterdam Med Ctr Amsterdam UMC Canc Ctr Amsterdam Dept Hematol Amsterdam Netherlands
- 来源 PubMed期刊 ScienceCitationIndex... SpringerLink期刊 详细信息
- On the circulant matrix MDS testing and the search for circulant MDS matrices
- HSE Univ Moscow Russia
- 来源 EI期刊 ScienceCitationIndex... SpringerLink期刊 详细信息
- Improved Field Size Bounds for Higher Order MDS Codes
- Stanford Univ Comp Sci Dept Stanford CA 94305 USAUniv Calif Berkeley Dept Elect Engn & Comp Sci Berkeley CA 94720 USAMicrosoft Res Redmond WA 98052 USAPrinceton Univ Comp Sci Dept Princeton NJ 08544 USAMIT Dept Math Cambridge MA 02139 USA
- 来源 ScienceCitationIndex... EI期刊 详细信息